Alright – so I am trying to upload a welcome video welcoming all of you to HeART Jen and for some reason it is telling me that it will not upload due to security reasons. What does this mean? and how incredibly frustrating! I mean come on – the video is actually kind of cute. Brief but cute! Then in stepping back I had to laugh. In the video I talk about how I started this blog dedicated to self love – listening to your PERSONAL TRUTH in every moment. Not an easy thing to do! Then I even finish the video by saying……”the only safety in life is your personal truth in each and every moment.” “The only safety” I say – funny since now I cant upload the video because of “security” reasons – I guess I am caught in someone else’s definition of safety – ha! pretty funny! So I have instead attached a photo from the video for now until I work out these issues. Stay tuned!
Category: Self Love Articles
You have really interesting blog, keep up posting such informative posts!
Thank you Marina – I will:)