Category: Pure of Heart

The Ten Energy Systems of Children – Portland, Oregon Talk
PORTLAND EVENT! THE TEN ENERGY SYSTEMS OF CHILDREN Evening Talk – July 10, 2015 7 to 8:30pm — $15 to attend New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 NW 23rd Ave., Portland, OR Also – Parent/Child Intuitive Sessions with Jennifer at New Renaissance, Saturday July 11 from 10:30am to 3:30pm~ Contact New Renaissance directly to schedule an in person session: […]

Happy Transition Time~
Here to Support You~ Spending time up here in the Northwest has been powerful. I live at the base of an extinct volcanic park filled with trees that tower over everything like something from one of the Hobbit movies or Lord of the Rings. The crows here appear in large flocks and circle and hover […]

Magic is the Space InBetween
My recent move to the Northwest has been an incredible magical journey. I look around sometimes and I keep waiting to wake up from a dream. Though there are still alot of unknowns, I have relaxed into a space of what I call the Magical Space – the inbetween. This IS where the magic lives. […]

The Invisible World
The invisible world is happening around you all the time – whether you see it or hear it or pay attention to it is up to you~ There is significant power and beauty in the communication exchange between you and the invisible energy/world around you. Honor this invisible world […]

What gives YOU goosebumps?
I recently was interviewed about my intuitive readings and mentoring sessions. One series of questions asked if my readings take up too much of my energy. If helping others in this way drains me and if so why do I continue throughout the years to offer this service. The questions themselves did not phase me, […]

Your Inner YES
Do you know what your YES’s are? The YES’s you want in your life? That feeling inside of you when you say hey I want to do this – and your surrounding environment responds with a big – YES!! What an incredible feeling. Unfortunately, it is one we typically were not raised to be aware […]

Pure Joy
For me it ignites passion, aliveness, creative bursts, purity, heartsong, jewels of the heart, movement of the spirit and just – PURE JOY!

A New Years Surprise
What a great surprise!! I was so thrilled to see this live and right outside my balcony. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a photo. A reminder to keep listening to that heart inside of you as we all wade through the ripple effects in the world right now related to fear, stability, and […]

Pearls of JOY
* Life seems to be about navigating the hard shells we all create to survive combined with the softness of our inner hearts – those treasures of self -spirit and joy that are the real pearls of life. One of my joys is creating these designs and photos – may they make you smile and […]