Pleasure- Excerpt from Jennifer’s Journal
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I do not regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did it to the full, as one should do everything one does. But to have continued the same life would have been wrong because it would have been limiting. The other side of the garden held its secrets for me also.
~Oscar Wilde
Last night I thought to myself how much pleasure in life I have missed out on. I have sacrificed sensual and earthly pleasures to maintain an image of “good girl” or “intellectual” living as the “proper” road to take. This twisted path of “as long as you can explain yourself then you are making smart choices.” Choosing instead what my mind felt I should do over what my body craved. BOTH are important (body and mind)- but not to the neglect of one over another. Someone asked me yesterday to name a guilty pleasure of mine. My answer was……”Eating mangoes naked while wrapped in luxurious fabric kissing and singing with a man I love”. Tears filled my eyes – why does this have to have guilt energy around it- I mean it just truly is an expression of pleasure. All I wanted to do yesterday was walk around my studio naked. And you know what – I did! Like Oscar Wilde – I choose to visit the other side of the garden too:)
Category: Journal Entries, Love Your Layers Articles, Self Love Articles
Hi Jen! Just checking out the blog. Very cool. This post reminded me of my last trip to Paris. I visited Oscar Wildes grave there. His monument is covered by lipstick kisses from all of his fans.