Shattered Pieces – Soft Heart
What if it fell apart? What if what you thought you were and what you thought you wanted was actually not true. But instead an outside layer or story that you kept telling yourself and others? A story you clung to because it was easier for everyone around you to understand. A tone or quality that was easy to put into words and explain so therefore it made better sense to even you. What if what you really wanted in your life did’nt exist yet? How do you explain this? What if your passion was a combination of things that others had never thought about putting together? What support exists? What if the only support was trusting the earth and universe itself? How does one keep going? How does one stay motivated and focused? When what you desire to create has never been created? What if it was so new that their was no platform that existed to hold it? The only platform is your own heart and soul strength. How do you keep going? How do you share your vision?
Maybe you are even unsure of the vision itself. You keep waiting for a support of some kind to give you permission to move forward. But that support does not exist because it has never been created before. How do you have the strength to shatter the current whole into tiny pieces and then pick them all up again into a new form? What if this new form is even foreign to you? How do you stay strong during the shattering and maintain composure while going through the new gluing? A soft heart.
Category: Love Your Layers Articles, Photography, Pure of Heart, Uncategorized