Your Power Center
The messages I have been receiving lately through my intuitive sessions have had a strong theme connected with the power center of the body. That place just below your belly button – the lower abdomen area – some also know this area where the 2nd and 3rd chakra meet.
What I am learning is now is a time to strengthen and target this core center. Honor this area of your body. Take a review of how this area of your body feels, looks, and what it is saying to you. This is the area representing “creation” – where one learns to truly stand in their power and present themselves to the world from their core.
We so often lead our lives from our head. As if our head was walking infront of us and we were just tagging along behind it – with no strength or true base or support. When we come from a place from our core and we lead wth our core – our world changes. We interact with others from a place of personal strength and stability. We are in each moment from a place of our own creating and its time to own that we ARE creating.
Take inventory of this area of your body. How can you make it stronger? Change the types of food your eating? How do you fuel this area of your body? How is your digestion? Be honest with yourself. Do you need to focus on exercise, sit ups or core work? Or what about just honoring this area of your body. Talk to him or her. Ask him or her what she needs. You can also love on this area – massaging your core power center with lotion or oils. Another beautiful way is to have a loved one kiss this area of your body and both of you enjoy the beauty and strong power of your core center.
Category: Flair by You, Love Your Layers Articles, Personal Flair, Self Love Articles, Shared Gems
Yes! Love this! Ironically, I just did a kundalini yoga video focusing on the 2nd chakra and I think you are so right. It’s important to have a stable core from which to allow your creativity to emerge.