Author Archive: jenncrews
What is Your Spice?
A few days ago I found myself in the most exotic chocolate shop. Located in Beverly Hills, they had spices from all over the world in small dishes covered in glass domes. You could lift the dome and smell into the glass to experience the scent and pleasure of each of the spices. The spices […]
Pleasure- Excerpt from Jennifer’s Journal
Click Here to Listen to this Beautiful Song as You Read I do not regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did it to the full, as one should do everything one does. But to have continued the same life would have been wrong because it would have been limiting. The other […]
Shiny Truths- When you see a shiny penny do you pick it up?
See me in the raw – no makeup – no fancy hair – just my pure self among my personal flair-sharing a brief inspirational message about what I call “Shiny Truths”. Enjoy!
Cooking Intuitively – LisaLee Went For It
Me & LisaLee THANK YOU! LisaLee for your response to the “Life Has No Recipe to Follow” blog posting. This sounds yummy wonderful. Another great reminder to be open to change and mix things up abit -we can find amazing gifts and masterpieces. Thanks for sharing your personal flair! Grilled Romaine With Goat Cheese, Dried […]
Life Has No Recipe to Follow. Learn to Cook Intuitively to Live Intuitively.
Life has no recipe to follow. Instead we have to learn to use the ingredients of the day to make choices and follow our goals and dreams. Over the years I have become quite a master at cooking and creating masterpieces from what ever I discover in my kitchen cabinets or my refrigerator at the […]
Beauty of Self – Power Flowers
Power Flowers – Bursting forth in vibrant form. One flower is not asking the other flower next to him or her to be the same color, same size, and same shape as them. Instead they each embody their own unique style of carrying their true color, Stem Size, Petal Shape and overall Bent in this […]
Definition of Crazy
Perceptions of Crazy –Today at yoga class I discovered a new definition of this word “crazy”. This word “crazy” always gets a bad wrap. It has an energy about it as if something is deeply and very wrong and no one would ever want to admit that they are or have gone crazy. Unless it […]
Alright – so I am trying to upload a welcome video welcoming all of you to HeART Jen and for some reason it is telling me that it will not upload due to security reasons. What does this mean? and how incredibly frustrating! I mean come on – the video is actually kind of cute. […]