Category: Journal Entries
“Many” – An Abundance Shift
Yoga and meditation have played a big role in my life for over 15 years now. Through these communities over the years I have met lots of people who have worked closely with teachers, gurus, and spiritual leaders as their mentors. Some of them even lived with their spiritual teachers in ashrams or […]
Magic is the Space InBetween
My recent move to the Northwest has been an incredible magical journey. I look around sometimes and I keep waiting to wake up from a dream. Though there are still alot of unknowns, I have relaxed into a space of what I call the Magical Space – the inbetween. This IS where the magic lives. […]
Shared Gem #6 The New Power
Its not a risk if you always feel safe~ when you feel safe inside of YOU, suddenly there are no risks in life – It is just YOU being in the present moment~ ~Jennifer Crews
Heart Love is World Resolution
A poem I wrote 2 years ago that I recently found. I forgot I wrote it. A beautiful reminder to recognize and feel into the difference between mind and heart based love. World Tears – Mind Love Mind Love Controlled A decision An unknown choice based on a mental construct Influenced by culture, safety, and […]
Live a Textured Life
Live a Textured Life – choose your texture of the day. Today with the cool air and gloomy skies my texture today is………wrapping myself in a cream colored shag rug! Im needing coziness and to feel surrounded in the fabric as I naturally make an imprint into the rug. Cream Shag Rug Whats your texture […]
Pleasure- Excerpt from Jennifer’s Journal
Click Here to Listen to this Beautiful Song as You Read I do not regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did it to the full, as one should do everything one does. But to have continued the same life would have been wrong because it would have been limiting. The other […]