Category: Love Your Layers Articles
Heart Love is World Resolution
A poem I wrote 2 years ago that I recently found. I forgot I wrote it. A beautiful reminder to recognize and feel into the difference between mind and heart based love. World Tears – Mind Love Mind Love Controlled A decision An unknown choice based on a mental construct Influenced by culture, safety, and […]
When your feeling down, try this ~
Say to yourself : Happiness is not even realizing I should stop and check to see if I am happy. and then sing this little tune – this tune helps me all the time – dont mind my off – key voice – hee hee – makes no difference – what matters is I […]
Confidence = Communication with Self
Confidence has many layers. It is not just when you have mastered a particular skill, profession, or talent. Though this can be easily viewed as confidence. Such as when a musician receives a Grammy. When they walk on stage they typically have an air of confidence combined with excitement. Confidence can appear when you […]
Shattered Pieces – Soft Heart
What if it fell apart? What if what you thought you were and what you thought you wanted was actually not true. But instead an outside layer or story that you kept telling yourself and others? A story you clung to because it was easier for everyone around you to understand. A tone or quality […]
7 Steps to Help You Speak Louder Than Words
Have you ever been in a conversation where what was being said to you- the actual words you were hearing – DID NOT match the vibe or energy you felt from the person speaking to you? It reminds me of when an owner may talk to their dog in a very sweet loving tone yet […]
Live a Textured Life
Live a Textured Life – choose your texture of the day. Today with the cool air and gloomy skies my texture today is………wrapping myself in a cream colored shag rug! Im needing coziness and to feel surrounded in the fabric as I naturally make an imprint into the rug. Cream Shag Rug Whats your texture […]
Pleasure- Excerpt from Jennifer’s Journal
Click Here to Listen to this Beautiful Song as You Read I do not regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did it to the full, as one should do everything one does. But to have continued the same life would have been wrong because it would have been limiting. The other […]