Category: Shared Gems
Magic is the Space InBetween
My recent move to the Northwest has been an incredible magical journey. I look around sometimes and I keep waiting to wake up from a dream. Though there are still alot of unknowns, I have relaxed into a space of what I call the Magical Space – the inbetween. This IS where the magic lives. […]
Failure Fear – A New Perspective
I love what I do!!! You want to know why? Because I learn something new everyday through my intuitive sessions. My connection with you during my sessions grants me direct access to the universe and all the valuable messages life has to offer. Its wild! While I am sharing information through my sessions for you […]
Your Power Center
The messages I have been receiving lately through my intuitive sessions have had a strong theme connected with the power center of the body. That place just below your belly button – the lower abdomen area – some also know this area where the 2nd and 3rd chakra meet. What […]
Your Inner YES
Do you know what your YES’s are? The YES’s you want in your life? That feeling inside of you when you say hey I want to do this – and your surrounding environment responds with a big – YES!! What an incredible feeling. Unfortunately, it is one we typically were not raised to be aware […]
Your Path Home
Which path is your real home? The home where your heart thrives, your essence is supported, your spirit is free and your mind has been released~ Make courageous choices and find your heart’s home. ~Jennifer Crews
Shared Gem #6 The New Power
Its not a risk if you always feel safe~ when you feel safe inside of YOU, suddenly there are no risks in life – It is just YOU being in the present moment~ ~Jennifer Crews
Shared Gem #5 It is Safe to be You
It is Safe to be You~ Jennifer Crews The biggest illusion that occurs is when we rely on outside sources to serve as our safety. We become locked in our jobs, relationships, material items, money, and location as our security blanket. Yes it is important to have a home we love, in a location we […]
Shared Gem #4 – Heartflow
The big question: What is Life all About? The answer: ………….Life is merely a series of sequential experiences -experiences that are meant to be, lived, embodied, and embraced with love. They create a layering of memories and you will discover that life is no more or no less than that. You were probably expecting […]
Shared Gem #3 – Trust Yourself in Choice Making
The Only Safety in Life is Your Inner Truth. ~ Jennifer Crews The key is to TRUST that truth. To trust a truth that is specific to you. It is something tangible that can be leaned into, owned, and used as a foundation for making wise choices for yourself. But how? How do you trust […]