Category: Uncategorized
How Do You Directly Connect with Spirit?
An article for you! Click Here and Enjoy and Learn How to Connect Directly with Spirit
NEXT Spirit Beauty Teleclass – Starting January 13th, 2015
SPIRIT BEAUTY Teleclass Trust Your Spirit Self – 5 Keys to Unlock Your Personal Power 5 Week Teleclass Tuesday evenings for 5 weeks 6:00p.m. – 7:15p.m. PT This is my powerful invitation to you starting January 13, 2015 to join a course designed to help you to feel self assured and trust the power of your spirit […]
Add Essence
I have invited my dear friend and colleague to write a guest post this month. She and I developed our Anchor In You self paced program that you can learn more about under the Intuitive Packages tab above. She is currently running these amazing Virtual Retreats that you do not want to miss out on. […]
Your Root Voice
Your Root Voice – 3 Tips to Connect to Your Rooted Center of Self 1. Your root core is located just below your belly button and before your sex organs in your pelvis region. Have you “tuned in” to the pelvic area of your body lately? Place your hand there right now and look down […]
At What Cost Do You Give Your Power Away?
Do you know how often throughout your day you subtly leak your energy and give your power away? Do you realize how this affects ALL your interactions both at work and at home? Most of us have no idea that we are doing this and then we feel and experience the following: Have you […]
Sacred Space
Are you feeling it? I know I am! There are alot of strong energies and forces occuring right now. These forces are asking you to review and look at your core beliefs around what and where you are personally hooking into… in your life….. that is your self perceived safety net. What once made you feel safe in […]
Simple Connection – Our Agreements
I am in awe at how life surrounds us with constant connection, communication, and interaction in our everyday lives. It is happening in our lives ALL the time. Some interactions may be easier than others but everyday we find ourselves interacting with others in the world around us. I recently got to witness the most […]
Where Is the Softness?
Where is the softness? I cant seem to find it. Occassionally I find softness at the ocean. But what has happended to softness in our daily lives? The ability to be soft with one another and more importantly soft with ourselves. This concept, that all must be figured out, taken care of, and definitively […]
What gives YOU goosebumps?
I recently was interviewed about my intuitive readings and mentoring sessions. One series of questions asked if my readings take up too much of my energy. If helping others in this way drains me and if so why do I continue throughout the years to offer this service. The questions themselves did not phase me, […]
Shared Gem #5 It is Safe to be You
It is Safe to be You~ Jennifer Crews The biggest illusion that occurs is when we rely on outside sources to serve as our safety. We become locked in our jobs, relationships, material items, money, and location as our security blanket. Yes it is important to have a home we love, in a location we […]